i²MON joins highly recognized European institutions with the aim to develop an integrated monitoring service for identification and assessment of ground and slope movements related to coal mining.

The service comprises innovative monitoring tools including terrestrial laser technology as well as space- and airborne remote sensing.
To understand the physical movement processes and in order to minimize mining impact, extensive predictive modelling will be directly integrated with the monitoring information.
The integrated web-based system will substantially improve monitoring quality and costs and deliver the industry a key decision making instrument to evaluate the surface condition in mining areas.
i2MON - Educational Event at the 2022 MINING FORUM - Berlin, GERMANY

Save the date for our i2MON event with presentions and expert discussion on May 20 2022.
The MiningForum brings together the industry’s top decision makers, experts and specialists every two years to discuss topics related to mining. The event offers a comprehensive panorama view of various complex topics related to raw materials. The increasingly international event has a long tradition and is well established in the mining industry. Every two years, renowned speakers address relevant issues in the national and international natural resources industry with a practical and informative focus. The accompanying exhibition, as a projection space for manufacturers and companies to engage with the public, creates the perfect setting for targeted communication and making new contacts. Over 350 top decision makers, experts and specialists enter into direct, personal dialogues here and discuss traditional, current and future developments.
Registration here:
Free Webinar - DMT SAFEGUARD - Monitoring Platform & Services

Webinar Special Topic: We present developments of i2MON - an RFCS research project towards an integrated monitoring for the detection of ground and slope displacements in coal mining.
May 4th, 2022 - 2pm CET
Free Registration here:
DMT SAFEGUARD - Monitoring Platform & Services (clickmeeting.com)
GeoMonitoring 2022 - Presentation - March 3 2022

[Event in German, Vortrag auf Deutsch]
Webbasierte Integration raumbezogener Massendaten - Bodenbewegungsmonitoring mittels Laserscanning und Satellitenfernerkundung
Folgen Sie unserem Vortrag auf der GeoMonitoring 2022 - eine volldigitale Tagung am 3. März 2022 !
Im Rahmen des vom RFCS (Research Fund for Coal and Steel) geförderten Forschungsprojekts i²MON – „Integrated Impact Monitoring for the detection of ground and surface displacements caused by coal mining“ befassen sich Daniel Schröder und Dr. Karsten Zimmermann in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen europäischen Institutionen mit der Entwicklung eines integrierten Monitoring-Services zur Identifikation und Bewertung von Boden- und Hangbewegungen.
Kostenlose Teilnahme und Registrierung: www.geo-monitoring.org
Contact: www.ige.tu-clausthal.de
i2MON Online Workshop - Thank you for your participation !

On 5th of May 2021 an online workshop took place to present and dicuss current results of the European H2020 RFCS research project i2MON. The focus was on integrated approaches for the observation and prediction of ground motions using terrestrial laser scanning #TLS and radar technology as well as #UAV and satellite-based remote sensing #InSAR. The joint organizers are DMT as project coordinator and the Institute for Mine Surveying and Geodesy at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The program presented by i2MON partner institutions is shown in the picture. Besides students of various geo-related modules from the university further 31 members from industry, authorities and suppliers attended the event.
Educational Event at TU Bergakademie Freiberg

On 30th and 31st of January 2020 a two-day block-course on satellite based ground movement monitoring #InSAR has been provided to students of the lecture “Geomonitoring” in collaboration with Dr. Diana Walter from project partner Airbus Defense and Space. In total 15 participants attended including students from the Programs:
Mine Surveying and Geodesy (Diploma),
Geophysics and Geoinformatics (BSc),
Geomatics for Mineral Resource Management (MSc),
2 PhD students.
#mining #monitoringservices #geomatics #remotesensing #researchdevelopment #rfcs
i2MON at LEAG lignite open pits - Development of an integrated monitoring for mine slope stability at future "Cottbus Ostsee"

In the course of the project our team has set-up a comprehensive monitoring system including #InSAR remote sensing and #GNSS components. Part of the network are on site installations of corner reflectors (#CR, see picture) which help to strengthen the InSAR result quality. Newly developed DMT SAFEGUARD GNSS systems at the CR sites deliver precise prove of ground stability and enable detailed result evaluation.
Site background: Over the next ten years a lake named "Cottbus Ostsee" will be created at the gateway to Cottbus city in Germany. With a water expanse of 19 square kilometres it will be Germany´s largest mine pit lake. The basin of the future lake corresponds to the former Cottbus-Nord opencast mine, which was closed in December 2015 after more than 30 years lignite mining. See: https://lnkd.in/d9hiPNt
i²MON is supported by the European Union Research Fund for Coal and Steel - Project Number 800689.
#mining #monitoringservices #geomatics #remotesensing #researchdevelopment #rfcs
Greetings from the 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM) in Athens

Daniel Schröder (DMT) and Jörg Klonowski (Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences) present i²MON - an RFCS research project towards an integrated monitoring for the detection of ground and slope displacements in coal mining.
As part of various research tasks in the project our specific focus is to further develop long-range laser scanning for a permanent slope monitoring by implementing automated and intelligent multi-temporal point cloud evaluation methods.
i²MON is supported by the European Union Research Fund for Coal and Steel - Project Number 800689 (2018).
#research #laserscanning #slopes #monitoring #dmt